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4276Remote sensing and baseline monitoring of the coastal waters of England and Wales 1992-1993 : a survey report
4277Applications Of Artificial Intelligence For The Biological Surveillance Of River Quality
4278Erosion of forest roads due to natural and man induced processes : progress report for period October - December 1992
4279A desk study of the available information on wintering waterfowl feeding in the Wash, Lincolnshire and Norfolk
4280A review of polyelectrolytes to identify priorities for EQS Development
4281Rural sewerage forum - second meeting 8 December 1993 : 1000 - 1530 - proceedings
4282National Rivers Authority 1994/95 corporate plan : Southern Region's submission : our forward look for 1994/95 - 1996/97
4283National angling survey 1994
4284A Study of the Composition of Collected Household Waste in the United Kingdom - with particular reference to packaging waste
42851994 annual report on fisheries in the North West incorporating the annual summary of fishery statistics
4286Improving the contribution of social science to Flood Risk Management
4287River Fish Habitat Inventory Phase 3 phase III: multi-species models
4288The River Tywi catchment management plan : action plan (bilingual)
4289Reappraisal of the River Lee to Wheathampstead Mill
4290Guardians of the water environment : NRA Welsh Region (bilingual) : Diogelwyr amgyllchedd dwr : rhanbarth Cymru
4291APPRAISE II: Review of Aquatic Dispersion Models
4292Proposed scheme of charges in respect of discharges to controlled waters : an introduction
4293Business requirement specification : integrated accounting system for the (IAS)
4294River Channel Typology: Feasibility for Use in River Management
4295Regional water quality monitoring and surveillance programme for 1992 : biological impact assessment of discharges on receiving waters
4296Wicken fen : nature reserve
4297Sea Trout Catch Statistics
4298A report on fish production in the National Rivers Authority
4299Water pollution incidents in England and Wales - 1993 : report of the National Rivers Authority
4300The Kentish Stour