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6876Investigation of salinity in the river Thurne catchment of North East Norfolk
6877River Lark fact file
6878The Great Ouse (Bedford Ouse) fact file
6879Enforcement and prosecution policy training including common incident classification
6880Catchment abstraction management strategies (CAMS) and the Water Framework Directive (WFD)
6881Managing water abstraction : the catchment abstraction management strategy process : April 2001
6882Medway catchment abstraction management strategy : final strategy April 2005
6883Re-building the Anglian coastline
6884The beaches are on the move! : longshore drift information sheet
6885Compliance assessment for EC freshwater fish directive 1990
6886Water quality investigations in the Newlyn river catchment
6887Optimum stocking strategies for hatchery-reared riverine coarse fish
6888The River Alt/Crossens fish stock assessment 2001
6889Effects of Retention of Fish in Keepnets
6890Development of distributed flood forecasting models using weather radar and digital terrain data (357/1/T) : interim report
6891Lower Lee fish mortalities associated with rainfall : including the event of 7/8th September 1993
6892Calibration of Gauging Stations using Portable Ultrasonics: Supporting Documentation
6893The River Lark project Final Report
6894Comparison of load estimation from grab an flow-proportioning samples
6895Flooding survey June 1990 : lower Trent catchment and Nottinghamshire : section 136(1) water act 1989
6896Lincolnshire Local Flood Defence Committee : annual report 1996/97
6897NRA research and development programme topic B2 : flow regimes : project B2.2 : low flow conditions
6898European Community surface-water abstraction directive : bacteriological results 1989
6899Bathing water quality survey 1992
6900Bathing water quality survey 1993