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1002Chara delicatula
1003Chara virgata
1005Triglochin palustre
1006Triglochin palustris
10071967 - IBP Lake George, Uganda - starting to build the bedroom block
10081966 - The IBP compound when the team first arrived at Lake George in December 1966.
1009Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Platform - InveN2Ory. Manure experimental site in County Down, 2012-13
1010Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Platform - InveN2Ory. Manure experimental site in Midlothian, 2012-13
1011Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Platform - InveN2Ory. Manure experimental site in Devon, 2011-12
1012Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Platform - InveN2Ory. Dung and urine experimental site in Devon, 2012
1013Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Platform - InveN2Ory. Dung and urine experimental site in County Down, 2012
1014Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Platform - InveN2Ory. Dung and urine experimental site in Dumfries, 2012
1015Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Platform - InveN2Ory. Manure experimental site in Ceredigion, 2011-12
1016Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Platform - InveN2Ory. Manure experimental site in Herefordshire, 2012-13
1017Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Platform - InveN2Ory. Dung and urine experimental site in Ceredigion, 2013
1018Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Platform - InveN2Ory. Dung and urine experimental site in Warwickshire, 2013
1019The Effect of N Fertiliser forms on nitrous oxide emissions from UK arable and grassland. Defra project number NT2605
1020Nitrous Oxide and Ammonia Emissions from Multiple Pollutant Cracking Clay Experimental Sites. Devon, 2010-11
1021Nitrous Oxide and Ammonia Emissions from Multiple Pollutant Cracking Clay Experimental Sites. Devon, 2008-09
1022Nitrous Oxide and Ammonia Emissions from Multiple Pollutant Cracking Clay Experimental Sites. Devon, 2010
1023Nitrous Oxide and Ammonia Emissions from Multiple Pollutant Cracking Clay Experimental Sites. Oxfordshire, 2010
1024Cryptosporidium parvum