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5851Herbarium Image: Persicaria amphibia
5852Herbarium Image: Persicaria amphibia
5853Herbarium Image: Persicaria hydropiper
5854Herbarium Image: Eleocharis palustris
5855Herbarium Image: Persicaria amphibia
5856Herbarium Image: Schoenoplectus lacustris
5857Herbarium Image: Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani
5858Best Management Practices to Reduce Diffuse Pollution from Agriculture
5859A report on the use of pesticides at two Hampshire watercress farms
5860A field guide to the British seaweeds : as required for assistance in the classification of water bodies under the Water Framework Directive
5861Radiation Experiments on Aquatic Organisms
5862Impact Of Conifer Harvesting And Replanting On Upland Water Quality
5863Fact sheet for the RBCA tool kit for chemical releases
5864Annual N2O measurements and associated data: AC0213, Devon, 2012
5865Blue-green algal survey of Lower Clicker Quarry
5866Development of a field test kit for detection of blue-green algal toxins (348/02/A) : interim progress report
5867Atlantic Salmon Trust Winter Journal 2005/2006
5868Acid Waters: Llyn Brianne Project- Project Record
5869Development of a field test kit for detection of blue-green algal toxins (348/01/A) : interim progress report
5870Some guidance on the use of digital environmental data
5871Definition of terms used in the assessment information management system (AIMS) : guidance note 5
5872An investigation into the frequency of discharge of three combined sewer overflows in the Afan/Kenfig catchment : TM/EAW/96/06
5873Assessing and controlling the ecotoxicity of complex effluents
5874Assessment of (anti-) Oestrogenic and (anti-) Androgenic Activities of Final Effluents from Sewage Treatment Works
5875Charging for discharges scheme : guidance to the engineering industry