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4952Herbarium Image: Galeopsis tetrahit
4953Murchison Falls
4954Herbarium Image: Ranunculus hederaceus
4955Soil moisture data: AC0213, Devon, 2010-2011
4956Dunball Sluice Refurbishment Project: G7639 post project appraisal
4957Broadland flood alleviation strategy : bank strengthening and erosion protection : the programme for flood defence work
4958North Devon streams : second annual review : October 1999
4959Monitored flow rate, Sem at Cool's Cottage site, Hampshire Avon catchment
4960Monitored river turbidity, Sem at Cool's Cottage site, Hampshire Avon catchment
4961Monitored water temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration, Sem at Cool's Cottage site, Hampshire Avon catchment
4962North Kent local environment agency plan : December 1999
4963Anglian Region joint study on water resources availability for wetland creation : final report
4965Diplozoon paradoxum,
4966Bedford Ouse (lower reaches) LEAP : development constraints by parish : April 1999
4967Triaenophorus nodulosus,
4968Monitored flow rate, Wylye at Kingston Deverill, Hampshire Avon catchment
4969Diagnostic Drawing: Euglenophyceae,
4970Monitored water temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration and river turbidity, Wylye at Kingston Deverill, Hampshire Avon
4971Air quality report for the Anglian Region of the Environment Agency 1999
4972Herbarium Image: Carex hostiana
4975Echinorhynchus gadi,