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6426A litter assessment of two major tributaries of the Taff, the Cynon and the Rhondda : surveyed March - April 1990
6427Flood directory East Sussex Local Authority area
6428River Medway : a user's guide
6429Sea Empress Cost-Benefit Project: Final Report
6430A collation of the environmental impact work carried out following the Rosebay oil spill, May 1990
6431Masonry bunds for oil storage tanks
6432Sea Empress oil spill, February 1996 : overview of surveillance activities : draft
6433Field validation of algal toxin test kit : progress report for period August 1992 - October 1992
6434Review of water quality instrumentation : April 1995
6435A second stage evaluation of the Grant YSI3815 Water Logger
6436Alt Crossens action plan : October 1996
6437Acid waters in Wales : appraisal of strategic options : draft report
6438Analytical Methods for Cationic Polyacrylamides at Levels of Environmental Significance
6439Assessment of the feasibility of using image analysis in the oyster embryo-larval development and daphnia magna growth tests
6440Audit report on the 1995 GQA biological survey
6441Bathing water trials 2000 season
6442Catchment management planning : April 1991
6443Classification of river water quality : version 1.0, 29 April 1992
6444Contaminated land remediation : innovative treatment methods, design, assessment and validation
6445Development of Environmental Standards (Water Resources) Stage 2: Typology Rewiew
6446Development of marine phytoplankton methodology and quality assurance procedures : second draft
6447Environment Agency Available Resource Methodology Assessments in Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy Trial Areas Second Draft Report
6448Environment Agency User Manual for Available Resource Methodology (ARM) Spreadsheets
6449Final report of the Stock Assessment Task Group
6450Flood defence levels of service : stage 2 annex C (Note 127) : flood events