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5051River Tamar annex 1A investigation : November 1996 COR/96/010
5052The release of ammonium and phosphorus from the sediments of the River Ant and Barton Broad : interim report
5053Monitored dissolved oxygen concentration, Caudworthy water at Caudworthy Ford, Tamar catchment
5054Routine laboratory water sample data for the Wensum Demonstration Test Catchment's monitoring kiosk A
5055National marine baseline survey 1995 : littoral cell 3 : the Wash to the Thames
5056Monitored rainfall data at Burracott, Neet catchment
5057Analogue (nutrient), YSI, turbidity and stage data for the Wensum Demontration Test Catchment's monitoring kiosk E in 2011
5058Syngenta Pond Mesocosm Studies Materials and Methods (2000-2004) - Study Site and Microcosm Layout
5059Syngenta Pond Mesocosm Studies Materials and Methods (2000-2004) - Emergence Trap
5060Syngenta Pond Mesocosm Studies Materials and Methods (2000-2004) - Enhanced Surface Area Substrate Sampler (ESAS)
5061Syngenta Pond Mesocosm Studies Materials and Methods (2000-2004) - Water Column Sampler
5062Syngenta Pond Mesocosm Studies Materials and Methods (2000-2004) - Emergence Trap Frame
5063Syngenta Pond Mesocosm Studies Materials and Methods (2000-2004)
5064Atlantic Salmon Research Trust Newsletter No. 7, July 1974
5065Assessment of the water quality before, during and post commissioning of the interim Falmouth sewage treatment scheme - Report No. TWQ/98/02- September 1998
5066Meanders in the Amazon River
5067Amazon River at Manaus
5068Amazon River
5069Rhone cut-off arm
5070River Lot
5071Newby Beck Catchment Outlet YSI QC file
5072Monitored TP, TRP and nitrate concentrations, Wylye at Brixton Deverill site, Hampshire Avon catchment
5073Monitored nitrate concentration at Ebble downstream site, Hampshire Avon catchment
5075Monitored TP and TRP concentrations at Ebble downtream site, Hampshire Avon catchment