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5601Entomology For Angler's Course (2009) 11
5602Entomology For Angler's Course (2009) 12
5603Entomology For Angler's Course (2009) 13
5604ISCO automatic water sample data for the Wensum Demonstration Test Catchment's Kiosk B
5605Entomology For Angler's Course (2009) 15
5606Entomology For Angler's Course (2009) 16
5607Entomology For Angler's Course (2009) 17
5608Entomology For Angler's Course (2009) 18
5609Entomology For Angler's Course (2009) 19
5610Grafham Water 1992 : biological monitoring re : FeSo4 dosing supplementary report : zooplankton
5611Groundwater protection zones : methodology and definition of protection zones (Bilingual) : Parthau gwarchod dwr daear : methodoleg a difiniad o'r parthau gwarchod
5612River Dee water protection zone : a consultation document
5613Groundwater protection policy
5614Appraisal of nature conservation and recreation improvement measures at the Environment Agency's estates
5615Conservation, access and recreation - annual report 1996/1997
5616Conservation, access and recreation - annual report 1997/98
5617Conservation, access and recreation - annual report 1998/1999
5618Conservation, access and recreation 1999/2000
5619Conservation, access and recreation report 2000/2001
5620Annual classification of river water quality 1991 : identification of possible causes of non-compliance with river quality objectives
5621Lower Nene catchment management plan : annual review September 1996
5622Taff catchment management plan : consultation report : April 1995
5623Digital groundwater vulnerability maps : 1 : 100,000 series. Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater
5624The fuel additive MTBE - a groundwater protection issue?
5625Framework for national groundwater quality reporting technical report