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6151Daily nitrous oxide (N2O) flux measurements: AC0213, Northumberland, 2012
6152Daily topsoil mineral nitrogen: AC0213, Northumberland, 2012
6153Background soil mineral nitrogen: AC0213, Northumberland, 2012
6154River Teme catchment management plan : action plan : March 1996
6155Maidenhead, Windsor and Eton flood alleviation scheme-water quality study : final report
6156Hampshire Avon DTC Deposited fine-grained sediment monitoring data 2010-2013
6157Hampshire Avon DTC Diatom Monitoring Data 2011-2013
6158Eden DTC Invertebrate Data
6159Hampshire Avon DTC Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Data 2010-2013
6160Eden DTC Macrophyte Data
6161Eden DTC Diatom Data
6162Newby Beck Outlet monthly grab samples
6163Total nitrogen and total phosphorus laboratory method used by Hampshire Avon consortium
6164Thackthwaite Beck Outlet monthly grab samples
6165Nitrous oxide laboratory method used by Hampshire Avon DTC consortium
6166Quality assurance and quality control protocols adopted by Hampshire Avon DTC consortium
6167Ammonium laboratory method used by Hampshire Avon DTC consortium
6168Phosphate laboratory method used by Hampshire Avon DTC consortium
6169Data from laboratory analysis of water samples, Wylye at Brixton Deverill site, Hampshire Avon catchment
6170Data from laboratory analysis for Burracott site, Neet catchment
6171Data from laboratory analysis for Ebble downstream site, Hampshire Avon catchment
6172Data from laboratory analysis of water samples, Caudworthy Water at Caudworthy Ford, Tamar catchment
6173Data from laboratory analysis at Ebble upstream site, Hampshire Avon catchment
6174Data from laboratory analysis of water samples, Sem at Cool's Cottage site, Hampshire Avon catchment
6175Data from laboratory analysis of water samples, Sem at Priors Farm, Hampshire Avon catchment