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6426Sea Trout Investigations Phase 1 Final Report
6427Development of an Estuarine Classification Scheme for the Water Framework Directive
6428Development of Hydromorphical Reference Conditions and Draft Classification Scheme for Transitional and coastal Waters -Work packages 1-4
6429LEAPS : Local Environment Agency Plans
6430Impacts of Nutrients in Estuaries - Phase 2
6431Impacted of Stocked Rainbow Trout on Resident Salmonid Populations Phase 1, Scoping Study
6432Method for assessing the heritage value of net fisheries
6433Monitoring Protocols and Measures of Habitat Quality for Habitat Migration and Managed Realignment
6434Oestrogenic Endocrine Disruption in fish - developing biological effect measurement tools and generating hazard data
6435Saltmarsh Change in England and Wales: Its History and Causes
6436The Distribution of Phytoplankton and Nutrients in the North East Irish Sea During 1998
6437Summary of monitoring activities on the blackwater estuary
6438Menai Strait catchment management plan : consultation report : June 1993
6439Menai Strait catchment management plan : consultation report summary
6440Assessment of flows in meandering compound channels (252/2/T)
6441Design of straight and meandering compound channels : interim guidelines on hand calculation methodology
6442Development of design method for straight compound channels. Volume 2 : detailed development of design method : part 2 : appendices (252/1/T)
6443Nene Valley water level management strategy : position statement September 1996
6444Nutrient export modelling on the River Bure, Norfolk : progress report 2 : June-July 1995
6445Sezibwa River
6446Igapo (Amazon rainforest)
6447Data for reed litter decay and aquatic macroinvertebrates colonisation
6448River in the Dourdogne region
6449Idle and Torne consultation plan - November 1999
6450An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 2000. Environment Agency : AQC audit : C00158/11