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5651A collation of the environmental impact work carried out following the Rosebay oil spill, May 1990
5652Masonry bunds for oil storage tanks
5653Sea Empress oil spill, February 1996 : overview of surveillance activities : draft
5654Field validation of algal toxin test kit : progress report for period August 1992 - October 1992
5655Review of water quality instrumentation : April 1995
5656A second stage evaluation of the Grant YSI3815 Water Logger
5657Acid waters in Wales : appraisal of strategic options : draft report
5658Analytical Methods for Cationic Polyacrylamides at Levels of Environmental Significance
5659Assessment of low flow conditions. Phase 2 (237/2/T) : evaluation of methodology : draft final R and D Note
5660Assessment of the feasibility of using image analysis in the oyster embryo-larval development and daphnia magna growth tests
5661Audit report on the 1995 GQA biological survey
5662Bathing water trials 2000 season
5663Classification of river water quality : version 1.0, 29 April 1992
5664Contaminated land remediation : innovative treatment methods, design, assessment and validation
5665Development of Environmental Standards (Water Resources) Stage 2: Typology Rewiew
5666Development of marine phytoplankton methodology and quality assurance procedures : second draft
5667Environment Agency User Manual for Available Resource Methodology (ARM) Spreadsheets
5668Flood defence levels of service : stage 2 annex C (Note 127) : flood events
5669Foot and Mouth Disease Epidemic. Disposal of culled stock by burial : guidance and reference data for the protection of controlled waters
5670Salmon Migration and River Flow - Results of Salmon Radio Tracking Studies on Six Rivers in South West England: Technical Summary
5671Environmental quality standards to protect identified uses of controlled waters
5672Mount's Bay and Lands End streams catchment river water quality classification 1991
5673Herbarium Image: Luzula pilosa
5674Herbarium Image: Tofieldia pusilla
5675Herbarium Image: Luzula spicata