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5751NRA Welsh Region South West Area Minewaters Workshop, 23 May 1995, Swansea : summary report
5752The impact of ferruginous minewater break-outs on the environmental quality of the Rivers Rhymney, Ebbw and Sirhowy : summary report
5753A survey of ferruginous minewater impacts in the Welsh coalfields
5754Dioxins and the River Doe Lea : plain English report
5755A review of the industrial uses of continuous monitoring systems : incineration processes : a report produced for NCCA and ETSU by Entec
57561994 general quality assessment (GQA) Cornwall area
5757Kennet catchment : time of travel studies final report
5758Chlorohyll and Phosphorus Classifications for UK Lakes
5759Investigating the feasibility of using neural networks to derive chlorophyll a prediction algorithms for case 2 waters
5760Temporal variability in chlorophyll-a : concentrations in the coastal environment : final report
5761Herbarium Image: Phalaris arundinacea
5762Herbarium Image: Orobanche elatior
5763An appraisal of the options for the structure of the water resources function in Thames Region NRA
5764Public participation and the Water Framework Directive
5765Hampshire salmon seminar 5th October 1993
5766Biological river quality 1995 according to the general quality (GQA) scheme [map] : scale 1 : 750 000
5767Chemical river quality 1993-1995 according to the general quality assessment (GQA) scheme [map] : scale 1 : 750 000
5768Guide to groundwater vulnerability mapping in England and Wales
5769Investigation of existing conservation interests and potential furtherance opportunities
5770Locations of licensed abstractions and hydrometric stations
5771NRA regional, area and catchment boundaries
5772Development of marine phytoplankton methodology and quality assurance procedures : second draft
5773Impacts Of Nutrients In Estuaries - Phase 2 : Summary Report
5774Investigation into the impact of Henstridge sewage treatment works on the River Umber, North Devon
5775Sampling Littoral Diatoms in Lakes for Ecological Status Assessments: a Literature Review