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2926Daily nitrous oxide (N2O) flux measurements: AC0101, Cambridgeshire, 2008
2927Soil moisture data: AC0101, Cambridgeshire, 2008
2928Annual N2O measurements and associated data: AC0101, Nottinghamshire, 2007
2929Groundwater quality : a framework for improved monitoring
2930Waste minimisation and recycling directory
2931Barnstaple flood plan : public information leaflet
2932Review of water company drought plans : a report to government
2933A Review of the Application of
2934Species Management in Aquatic Habitats Compendium of Project Outputs - Species Action Plans and Management Guidelines
2935Nutrient Conditions for Different Levels of Ecological Status and Biological Quality in Surface Waters (Phase I)
2936Kephyrion boreale
2937Recreational Water Quality Objectives and Standards: Phase 1 - Data collection, presentation and recommendations
2938The Feasibility of Charging for Planning Application Consultations - Final Report
2939Herbarium Image: Polystichum lonchitis
2940Assessing water quality : General Quality Assessment (GQA) scheme for biology (Bilingual Welsh)
2941NRA programme for the monitoring of water quality Parts 1 to 3 - November 1994
29421996 Hit Lists, Final Draft, PARCOM Low Loads summarised by Region
2943Ecology and the Water Framework Directive
2945A review of the performance of Aldershot STW and its effect on the River Blackwater
2946The use of herbicides in or near water
2947Weather data: AC0101, Cambridgeshire, 2008
2948Daily nitrous oxide (N2O) flux measurements: AC0101, Nottinghamshire, 2007
2949Daily topsoil mineral nitrogen: AC0213, Nottinghamshire, 2011, urine
2950Investigation into denitrification underground