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3151Infiltration drainage - legal aspects
3152Rhithrogena haarupi
3153Potamophylax latipennis case,
3154River Piddle Spring 2008
3155Report on the control of discharges of titanium dioxide waste to the Humber Estuary : main report
3156The story of a river : Ripples 1
3157The Development of a Methodology to Assess Population Doses from Multiple Sources and Exposure Pathways of Radioactivity
3158National Rivers Authority river quality survey GQA assessment 1993 Nothumbria and Yorkshire Region. Part 1 Reach classification : Freshwater rivers and canals
3159River catchments and county boundaries in England and Wales
3160Herbarium Image: Carex flacca
3161Recreation strategy for the River Thames
3162The evaluation of a Philips ammonium ion selective electrode (220/14/T)
3163Geochemical process modelling : review of models : interim report (0295/8/A)
3164Progress on water storage and transfer strategy
3165Motor fuel components: environmental occurrence and potential future risks
3166Development of AVHRR/GIS methodology for snow area depth monitoring (207/7/N)
3167Turbidity and plant growth in large slow-flowing lowland rivers. Progress Report: October 1989- March 1990
3168The greening of Grasmere: its plankton periodicity in 1988
3169Light scattering in sewage effluent: a study of the effects of angle of scatter an common light sources
3170Safety guidelines for water quality fieldwork
3171A strategic review of the petroleum refinery Industry Sector
3172Baetis rhodani (larva),
3173The team (without Tony) and their staff in their compound close to the shore of L. George 1967.
3174Regional water quality monitoring and surveillance programme for 1994 : EC surface water abstraction directive : final draft report (1993)
3175South Wessex area industrial and commercial waste minimisation and recycling directory