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3901Status of rare fish : literature review (draft document)
3902Herbarium Image: Trifolium campestre
3903Ipswich flood defences
3904Investigation of the effects of sewage treatment works discharges on receiving waters in the Lowermoor Water Treatment Works supply area November 1989
3905Investigation of the environmental impact of Coombe Farm on the Clapton Stream January 1992
3906Ranunculus in Chalk Rivers
3907Strategy for the use of field instrumentation in water quality monitoring
3908Environmental assessment guidelines : a procedure for ensuring environmental factors are taken into account in the design and implementation of land drainage improvement works
3909Anthropogenic Influences on the temperature regime in a chalk river
3910London's river (information pack on the River Thames)
3911River Usk barrage position statement, 18th January 1991
3912Water and the environment in times of drought
3913Exe freshwater model : quasar model design
3914A Post Mortem Study of Otters (Lutra Lutra) Found Dead in South West England
3915Marine case study 3 : phytoplankton dynamics : draft for discussion with project team
3916Macroinvertebrates of the River Nar : Great Ouse catchment : draft report
3917River Wissey investigations : linking hydrology and ecology March 1994
3918Regional water quality monitoring and surveillance programme for 1992 : quality investigations in controlled waters
3919The Development of LandSim 2.5
3920Rainfall-runoff and other modelling for ungauged/low-benefit locations
3921WP1 Report on Potential Phytoplankton Pressure Sensitive Metrics
3922Norfolk Broadland : Halvergate Marsh Erosion Protection Scheme : contract number 7, engineer's report
3923Performances of sewage treatment works discharging to an estuary : a marine environment or sensitive area : draft final report
3924Groundwater development scheme : Little Ouse and Thet catchment : control rules
3925Assessment of the Trophic Status of Rivers using Macrophytes - Evaluation of the Mean Trophic Rank