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5851NRA report of blue-green algal monitoring 1992
5852Toxic blue-green algae : a report by the National Rivers Authority
5853NRA report of the blue-green algal monitoring 1990 : a report by the toxic blue-green algae task group
5854Assessment of Field Monitors for Consent Monitoring - Phase 2
5855Rivers Nene and Great Ouse eutrophication studies : final report
5856Cardiff Bay barrage : assessment of impact on salmonid fisheries : annual report 1990 : year one pre-barrage construction
5857River Mersey flood alleviation scheme : consultation document
5858Options for transfer of water from the River Trent and reservoir storage at Great Bradley : technical summary of the feasibility report
5859River Trent angling guide 2003
5860Diagnostic Drawing: Volvocales,
5861Severn Uplands LEAP : report on consultation. Summary of public consultation responses
5862Large Woody Debris In British Headwater Rivers: Summary Report
5863Investigation of salinity in the river Thurne catchment of North East Norfolk
5864Enforcement and prosecution policy training including common incident classification
5865Compliance assessment for EC freshwater fish directive 1990
5866Water quality investigations in the Newlyn river catchment
5867Optimum stocking strategies for hatchery-reared riverine coarse fish
5868Effects of Retention of Fish in Keepnets
5869Development of distributed flood forecasting models using weather radar and digital terrain data (357/1/T) : interim report
5870Lower Lee fish mortalities associated with rainfall : including the event of 7/8th September 1993
5871Calibration of Gauging Stations using Portable Ultrasonics: Supporting Documentation
5872The River Lark project Final Report
5873Comparison of load estimation from grab an flow-proportioning samples
5874European Community surface-water abstraction directive : bacteriological results 1989
5875Bathing water quality survey 1992