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5876Bathing water quality survey 1993
5877River Bovey and Bovey minor tributaries corridor survey : October-November 1990 : a report prepared for the National Rivers Authority (South West Region)
5878Water resources planning : Deben groundwater unit water resources management plan
5879River Lemon corridor survey : a report prepared by Ecologue for the National Rivers Authority (South West Region)
5880River Teign catchment river water quality classification 1990
5881River Teign catchment river water quality classification 1991
5882Investigations of discharges into the River Lemon at Newton Abbot
5883River Teign corridor survey : prepared by Ecologue for the National Rivers Authority (South West Region)
5884Survey of the biological quality of creek systems in the outer Thames Estuary, with special reference to the impact of STW and landfill site discharges
5885Report on monitoring of environmental quality in the Severn Estuary
5886Audit of 1994 RCS programme
5887Boating on Sussex Rivers
5888Water quality survey of London Docks
5889INP-integrated North Sea programme : workshop 14-15th May 1992, Rijkswaterstaat,The Hague
5890Advisory committee for Wales first annual report 1991
5891Water pollution incidents in England and Wales - 1993 : report of the National Rivers Authority
5892A flood alleviation strategy for Broadland : report of Task Group
5893Flow Monitoring Of Discharges: An Audit Manual
5894Identification and assessment of alternative disposal options for radioactive oilfield wastes- Phase 1
5895Mariner's guide to Rye
5896Rye Harbour Byelaws
5897The control of phosphorus in the catchment of the rivers Ant and Bure : interim report for period January - December 1992
5898Herbarium Image: Lagarosiphon major
5899Guide to freshwater fishing in Norfolk and Suffolk
5900Recreational waterways in the anglian region