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5926River Rase improvement scheme
5927Land use assessment of non-tidal main rivers in the southern region of the National Rivers Authority : report EX 2922
5928The land-use planning system and the Water Framework Directive (can't read barcode)
5929Economic elements of the Environment Agency's implementation of the Water Framework Directive
5930Annual report 1989/90 regional review - Southern region
5931Approved budget 1993/94
5932NRA Annual report and accounts 1993-94
5933Regional business plan 1997/98 : Midlands region
5934NRA Southern Region - Quarterly Review : July - September 1991
5935Scope for growth and levels of contaminants in mussels from the Wash. Phase 2
5936Crab traps Takeo Cambodia
5937Eradication of Alien Crayfish Populations
5938Hydrometry : the science of measuring the water cycle
5939Maidenhead, Windsor and Eton flood alleviation scheme - water quality proof : public enquiry September 1992
5940Herbarium Image: Ranunculus sp.
5941Herbarium Image: Ranunculus trichophyllus
5942Herbarium Image: Ranunculus trichophyllus
5943Herbarium Image: Ranunculus sceleratus
5944Herbarium Image: Ranunculus sceleratus
5945Herbarium Image: Ranunculus reptans
5946Herbarium Image: Ranunculus penicillatus subsp. pseudofluitans
5947Herbarium Image: Ranunculus omiophyllus
5948Herbarium Image: Ranunculus aquatilis
5949Herbarium Image: Potamogeton obtusifolius
5950Herbarium Image: Ranunculus aquatilis