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2976River Axe Fish Study - Stage 2, Environmental Assessment for River Abstraction
2977National Rivers Authority corporate plan, 1990/91
2978Herbarium Image: Chara vulgaris
2979Water Quality and Freshwater Flow in the Thames Tideway in Relation to Salmon Migration, with particular reference to the effects of low flow in 1990
2980Bristol Avon : first annual review. September 2001
2981St Agnes qualitative dye surveys 1995 data report : tidal water quality
2982The management of the water resources of the Lark groundwater unit
2983Method for the assessment of river water quality using benthic macroinvertebrates
2984Development of Operational and Policy Guidance on the Use of Hydrogen Peroxide
2985Development of a GIS Based Inventory of Standing Waters for England, Wales and Scotland, Together with a Risk Based Prioritisation Protocol - Phase 2
2986Development of PRAIRIE(tm) Dispersion Modelling
2987Nature's way : a guide to surface water best management practices, the effective and economic answer to non-point source pollution
2988Sustaining our resources : update 1997
2989The National Groundwater and Contaminated Land Centre (NGWCLC)
2990Infiltration drainage - legal aspects
2991Rhithrogena haarupi
2992Potamophylax latipennis case,
2993River Piddle Spring 2008
2994Report on the control of discharges of titanium dioxide waste to the Humber Estuary : main report
2995The story of a river : Ripples 1
2996The Development of a Methodology to Assess Population Doses from Multiple Sources and Exposure Pathways of Radioactivity
2997National Rivers Authority river quality survey GQA assessment 1993 Nothumbria and Yorkshire Region. Part 1 Reach classification : Freshwater rivers and canals
2998River catchments and county boundaries in England and Wales
2999Herbarium Image: Carex flacca
3000Recreation strategy for the River Thames