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3876Review of Natural Resource Plans and Development Programmes
3877Training scheme for civil engineers
3878Lincolnshire Northern chalk aquifer management proposals
3879Water wise : awards for Sussex schools
3880Wetland Sites of Special Scientific Interest regional monitoring strategy
3881Diagnostic Drawing: Oedogoniales,
3882Preliminary investigations into analysis of stressed bacteria
3883Bathing waters report 1993
3884National Groundwater and Contaminated Land Centre annual report 1999/2000
3885Pollution prevention in the '90's : the positive approach
3886The mobilization and release of mercury, copper, iron, manganese and selenium from contaminated sediment as a result of dredging : laboratory simulation studies : interim report to the National Rivers Authority Anglian Region
3887Benchmarking of Hydraulic River Modelling Software Packages - Project Overview
3888Extended Flow Records At Key Locations In England And Wales (Phase 2)
3889River Culm fisheries survey 1994
3890Somerset Levels and Moors water level management and nature conservation
3891Time of travel of pollutants study : River Taw : Q22/Q25
3892Post mortem study of otters in England and Wales 1992-2003
3893The evaluation of a LTH BOM 1 hand-held dissolved oxygen meter (220/25/T)
3894Less sensitive areas and candidate high natural dispersion areas in the North West region
3895Objectives for rivers and canals and river water quality 1992
3896Freshwater biological indicators of pesticide contamination
3897Surface water quality 1990
3898Evaluating The Benefits Of Hydrometric Networks
3899National Rivers Authority drivers handbook : October 1991, issue 1
3900Manual of investment appraisal