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4076Endocrine disruption horizon scanning: molecular and genomic contributions
4077Monitored river turbidity at Ebble upstream site, Hampshire Avon catchment
4078Report on the 1995 stock assessment of the Douglas catchment
4079The Impact Of Grazing And Upland Management On Erosion And Runoff: Additional Information
4080River Aire : factfile
4081Monitored daily rainfall at Ebble upstream site, Hampshire Avon catchment
4082Methods for the prediction of the impact of groundwater abstraction on East Anglian wetlands (WD/95/SR)
4083Monitored river turbidity, Sem at Priors Farm site, Hampshire Avon catchment
4084Monitored flow rate, Sem at Priors Farm site, Hampshire Avon catchment
4085Monitored water temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration, Sem at Priors Farm site, Hampshire Avon catchment
4086Field work in winter
4087Continuous water quality monitoring results collected from the river Torridge at Cockshilhay and Beam Bridge for the EU UWWTD
4088Kephyrion skujae
4089Extending Rutland yield analysis to 1933 : supporting documentation for the regional water resources strategy
4090Site right : industrial pollution prevention and control
4091Mean annual alkalinity and conductivity at routine biological monitoring sites in 1991 for use with RIVPACS
4092Biological assessment of inorganic and organic enrichment of watercourses by Hatfield, Rye Meads, Deephams and Bishop Stortford sewage effluents
4093The Eastern Rother
4094High Resolution In-situ Monitoring of Hyporheic Zone Biogeochemistry
4095Hambledon lock
4096Lodes-Granta groundwater scheme
4097Water quality objectives: procedures used by the NRA for the purpose of surface waters river ecosystem) (classification) regulations 1994
4098A report into the impact of small dam construction at Delford bridge, De Lank river
4099River Otter catchment river water quality classification 1990
4100Canvey Island flood defences consultation