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4601An assessment of the impact of Berkhamsted and Maple Lodge STWs on the Grand Union canal based on macroinvertebrate surveys
4602An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 1998. Environment Agency : AQC audit
4603An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 1998. Environment Agency : primary audit
4604An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 1999. Environment Agency : AQC audit
4605Preliminary assessment of the ability of Restormel fish counter to enumerate the passage of migratory salmonids on the River Fowey : Cornwall Area Fisheries Science Team
4606River Management Guidelines (Operational Activities) Phase 1 - Scoping Study
4607The regulation of fish farming by the National Rivers Authority
4608Herbarium Image: Callitriche hamulata
4609Review of NRA regional emergency procedures - draft report - (continuation)
4610Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : North West Region
4611Reciprocal licensing arrangement for boaters
4612Proposed decision for the future regulation of disposals of radioactive waste from british nuclear fuels plc Sellafield : decision document
4613Site supervision of the Beach Nourishment Scheme
4614River Stort fact file
4616An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 1999. Environment Agency : primary audit
4617Management plan of Davenham fisheries depot
4618Sewage treatment works remedial strategy : phase 2 report
4619Snailwell fish farm report 1989
4620Bathing water quality in England and Wales 1999 : a summary report
4621Bathing water quality in England and Wales in 1997 : a summary report
4622Bathing water quality in England and Wales in 1998 : a summary report
4623Discharge consent and compliance policy : a blueprint for the future
4624Windermere South Basin Seismic Survey Data 1983 Section 11
4625Stillwaters monitoring programme : summary results 2000 : Hatch Mere, Marbury Mere, Comber Mere, Tabley Mere, Tatton Mere, Melchett Mere