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2451Wensum DTC General information - Supporting Document Hourly Rainfall
2452Wensum DTC General information - Supporting Document Weather Station 1
2453Annual report on fisheries : 1st April 1988 - 31st March 1989
2454Biological Assessment Methods: Controlling the Quality of Biological Data. Package 1 The variability of data used for assessing the biological condition of rivers
2455Wensum DTC General information - Supporting Document Monitoring Kiosk E
2456Wensum DTC General information - Supporting Document Monitoring Kiosk F
2457Polycentropus flavomaculatus,
2459Bathing waters report 1989
2460Development of a field test kit for blue-green algal toxins 1992 (348/7/A) : R and D draft final report
2461The FBA-Welsh Water simulation model of phytoplankton dynamics in flushed systems. Authentication in a coastal lagoon
2462Data on the effects of Parathion in the freshwater environment
2463Effects of suspended solids on salmon (Salmo salar, L.) in the Parrett stuary, Somerset, Draft
2464River Axe Fish Study - Stage 2, Environmental Assessment for River Abstraction (Supplementary Report)
2465Sampling freshwater shrimps (Macrobrachium) in West Africa
2466River Frome F3 Spring 2008
2467Stream survey and assessment in the Ashford and Folkestone areas
2468Sea Trout Workshop 24-26 October 1984
2469Salmonid Fish Study
2470Response to questions posed by Northumbrian Water Authority, with special reference to the fisheries implications of the operation of the Kielder Water Scheme
2471Monitoring the trophic state of reservoirs
2472River Frome F4 Spring 2008
2473A biological survey of Westworth Reservoir, near Guisborough, Cleveland
2474River Axe Fish Study - Stage 3
2475Turbidity and plant growth in large slow-flowing lowland rivers. Progress Report: April 1990- October 1990