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2651Research and development 2000 : a strategy for the research and development support service : version 2
2652Restoring sustainable abstraction : technical guidance
2653Review of Sea Trout Fecundity
2654Review of clean-up and techniques applicable to discharges from decommissioning
2655Review of NRA regional emergency procedures (in 2 vols)
2656Review of Sublethal Ecotoxicological Tests for Measuring Harm in Terrestrial Ecosystems
2657Review of the Potential Effects of Alkaline Plume Migration from a Cementitious Repository for Radioactive Waste.
2658Reworking intermediate level radioactive waste
2659Risk assessment for sea and tidal defence schemes : progress report for period to December 1993
2660Risk Assessment of flood and coastal defence systems for strategic planning (RASP)
2661Risks of Contaminated Land to Buildings, Building Materials and Services A Literature Review
2662River fish habitat inventory. Phase III. Multi-species models - summary document
2663River flow and rainfall statistics updated to 31st December 1992
2664River Tamar : catchment action plan (not Tavy and Lynher)
2665River Thames recreation strategy
2666River Usk barrage position statement, 6th February 1992
2667River Wissey investigations : linking hydrology and ecology : main report part 2
2668Saving water : on the right track : a summary of current water conservation initiatives in the UK January 1998
2669Scoping Study To Establish Issues On Coarse Fisheries
2670Sea trout literature review and bibliography
2671Seaburn sewer survey II, 23-24 Ocotber 1991
2672Shill Brook fisheries survey 1989
2673Short-term ecotoxicological method guidelines for effluent and receiving water assessment (draft)
2674South Crofty minewater study : final report
2675Survey of copper speciation in the Great Ouse estuary