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151River quality : July 1992 - June 1993
152Progress Report December 1993
153Water quality for salmon and trout
154National Rivers Authority annual report and accounts 1989/90
155River Mole derogation fisheries survey : Thames Metropolitan 1989
156River Fisheries Habitat Inventory Phase 2: Methodology Development for Juvenile Salmonids
157The Atlantic Salmon Trust Journal 2011
158Restoration of riverine fisheries habitats - first progress report for period July 1991 - February 1992
159Fisheries fact file (1/9)
160Fish, fisheries and the Water Framework Directive
161Pollution risk assessment remediation exercise : River Fowey catchment
162Catchment abstraction management strategy : Little Ouse
163Goyt/Etherow sub-catchment report
164Fisheries byelaws for Thames Region
165Fisheries byelaws : Southern region
166River Ribble juvenile fish stock assessment 1998, with particular reference to salmonids
167Stock assessment review on the River Teign
168River Test Forum : 31.10.90
169Fisheries byelaws : Anglian region
170Cheshire stillwaters : summary results 1999 : Oak Mere, Betley Mere, Petty Pool, Tabley Mere, Norbury Mere, Combermere (2000)
171Bass fishing in the Fal estuary and coastal area
172Impact of the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus and its associated crayfishery on the River Thame
173Stock assessment review on the River Dart
174Fish Guide 1997/98 A Guide to day ticket fisheries in the Midlands
175Electric fishing survey (drought 1996 project) : final report