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6176Remote Surveillance of Mineral Extraction Discharges
6177Eden DTC Invertebrate Data
6178Eden DTC Macrophyte Data
6179Eden DTC Diatom Data
6180Newby Beck Outlet monthly grab samples
6181Thackthwaite Beck Outlet monthly grab samples
6182Data from laboratory analysis of water samples, Wylye at Brixton Deverill site, Hampshire Avon catchment
6183Data from laboratory analysis for Ebble downstream site, Hampshire Avon catchment
6184Data from laboratory analysis at Ebble upstream site, Hampshire Avon catchment
6185Data from laboratory analysis of water samples, Sem at Cool's Cottage site, Hampshire Avon catchment
6186Data from laboratory analysis of water samples, Sem at Priors Farm, Hampshire Avon catchment
6187Data from laboratory analysis of water samples, Wylye at Kingston Deverill site, Hampshire Avon catchment
6188Newby Control Sub_Catchment Turbidity QC File
6189Newby Beck Mitigation Sub-Catchment Discharge
6190Newby Beck Control Sub-Catchment Discharge
6191Pow Outlet Discharge Data
6192Newby Beck Catchment Outlet Flow
6193Thackthwaite Beck Control Sub-Catchment Monthly Grab Samples
6194Thackthwaite Beck Mitigation Sub-Catchment Turbidity
6195Newby Beck Control Sub-Catchment Turbidity
6196Pow Beck Control Sub-Catchment Turbidity
6197Thackthwaite Beck Control Sub-Catchment Turbidity
6198Pow Beck Mitigation Sub-Catchment Discharge
6199Thackthwaite Beck Mitigation Catchment Discharge
6200Water related recreation strategy for the southern region : consultation draft 1997