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6701Groundwater storage in British aquifers : chalk - Drawings
6702Groundwater storage in British aquifers: chalk. Appendices
6703Instream Flow Requirements of the River Wissey, Norfolk, Annex C - April 1993
6704Llyn Tegid dual pumping scheme : preliminary study report
6705Regional groundwater level monitoring network review : Stage 2 : Summary Report
6706Regional groundwater level monitoring review : strategy document : project ref no 9013118
6707River Wylye low flow study : progress and further investigations
6708River Wylye low flow study : progress and further investigations
6709Sea defences : Mablethorpe to Skegness strategy study
6710Assessment of low flow conditions : phase 1 - proposed methodology. Final report
6711East Devon public water supply strategy : surface water yield assessment - use of generated long flow records
6712Kennet and Coln river levels study. Volume one - River Kennet : final report
6713Kennet and Coln river levels study. Volume two - River Coln : final report
6714Low flow augmentation study, River Wensum : Phase 1 Stage 1 draft planning report
6715Recreation and amenity surveys of identified low flow rivers. Part 1 : survey report
6716Stoke Ferry, Dec. 1990
6718The Severn Bore 1996
6719The Severn Bore in 1993
6720The Severn Bore in 1994
6721Factors Affecting Coarse Fish Recruitment: Phase II - Examination and Analysis of Existing Environment Agency Data
6722The Severn Bore in 1995
6723Hydrometric report and catalogue 1990 : National Rivers Authority, Severn-Trent Region
6724Un-ionised ammonia in north west estuaries using 1992/3 data
6725Large Woody Debris In British Headwater Rivers: Main Report