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251Supplementary survey of contaminated land : report
252Thames Region : EC dangerous substances directive : STW data 1991-1992
253The role of the National Rivers Authority in droughts
254River quality : 1993
255River Corridor Surveys
256The rehabilitation of the River Taff
257The government's policy for a public regulatory body in a privatised water industry
258Wetlands for Wales : a strategy for the third millenium
259Salmon and sea trout catch statistics 1989
260Bathing waters report 1993
261National Groundwater and Contaminated Land Centre annual report 1999/2000
262Post mortem study of otters in England and Wales 1992-2003
263Remedial Treatment Action Data Sheets. Version 1.0
264Water pollution incidents in England and Wales - 1990 : report of the National Rivers Authority
265National Groundwater and Contaminated Land Centre annual report 1998/9
266Use of rod catch-effort data to monitor migratory salmonids in Wales : a report submitted in part fulfillment of the requirements of the course
267Riverside litter : results of the 1990 campaign and a strategy for the future
268Improving efficiency and effectiveness in flood defence operational management : review of R and D (1990-1993)
269Clwyd catchment management plan : consultation report summary
270Method for assessment of low flow conditions caused by abstraction. Volume 1 (237/2/T) : report
271Welsh Regional plan summary 1990/91 (Bilingual): Rhanbarth Cymru crynodob cynllun
272National baseline survey marine manual
273Microbial Source-Tracking project
274Salmon and sea trout catch statistics 1988
275Salmon and sea trout catch statistics 1990