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3726Water resources planning guideline
3727Field validation of algal toxin test kit : final draft report December 1994
3728Field validation of algal toxin test kit : progress report for period November 1991 - January 1992
3729Recorded data from the Swan Hills weather station (weather station 1) in the Wensum Catchment between 2010-2011
3730Managing water resources in Welsh Region (bilingual) : Rheoli Adnoddau Dwr Yn Rhanbarth Cymru
3731Dinobryon divergens var. schauinslandii
3732Evaluation of field pH meters : summary report
3733Fisheries fact file (1/9)
3734Uses of the water environment: factsheet number six
3735River basin planning and the Water Framework Directive
3736National coastal baseline survey manual : revision 3.0
3737Pagham to East Head coastal defence strategy : summary document
3738Cornwall area farm campaign : catchment 27a : River Neet - Langford Bridge to Strat Confluence
3739Old Bedford incorporating the Middle Level and Ouse Washes : first annual review - May 1999
3740Herbarium Image: Elodea sp.
3741Malcolm Elliott
3742Adur/Ouse area LEAP : consultation draft plan
3743A comparison between two methods of dissolved oxygen measurement in rivers
3744River Erme catchment river water quality classification 1990
3745An investigation of ecological change in the rivers Kennet and Lambourn. Report for the period April 1998-March 1999
3746The Adur and Ouse catchment abstraction management strategy : consultation document
3747Boat safety scheme checklist - September 1995
3748Arun and western streams LEAP : consultation draft : October 1999
3749A review of the hydrogeological information for the Thompson and Merton areas, Norfolk : including predictions of the impact of nearby chalk water abstractions on water levels at Thompson Water, Carr and Common SSSI and candidate SAC
3750Environmental snapshot for the Anglian region 2002