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4601Monitored river turbidity, Sem at Cool's Cottage site, Hampshire Avon catchment
4602Monitored water temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration, Sem at Cool's Cottage site, Hampshire Avon catchment
4603North Kent local environment agency plan : December 1999
4604Anglian Region joint study on water resources availability for wetland creation : final report
4606Diplozoon paradoxum,
4607Bedford Ouse (lower reaches) LEAP : development constraints by parish : April 1999
4608Triaenophorus nodulosus,
4609Monitored flow rate, Wylye at Kingston Deverill, Hampshire Avon catchment
4610Diagnostic Drawing: Euglenophyceae,
4611Monitored water temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration and river turbidity, Wylye at Kingston Deverill, Hampshire Avon
4612Herbarium Image: Carex hostiana
4615Echinorhynchus gadi,
4616Herbarium Image: Carex elata
4617Development of a Lifecycle Simulation Model for Atlantic Salmon.
4618Psychomyia pusilla pupal shelters
4619River catchment management plans : offer of services - main proposal
4620Pow Beck Mitigation Sub-Catchment Turbidity
4621Pow Outlet YSI Sonde
4622Software profile : a user manual for RADGAP
4623Hydromorphology of Transitional and Coastal Waters - Task 5: Review of legislation and characterisation of pressures and sensitivity
4624Bathing waters report 1996
4625Yare catchment management plan : second annual review : June 1997