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5876The use of fertilizer-free buffer strips to protect dyke flora from nitrate pollution on Walland Marsh S.S.S.I
5877Effects of Electric Fishing on Fish - Technical Summary
5878Crayfish conservation (378/8/N) : interim report for 1993
5879Assessment of the Trophic Status of Rivers using Macrophytes - supporting documentation for evaluation of the Mean Trophic Rank
5880Mesotrophic rivers in Anglian region : phase 1 June 1994
5881Crangonyx pseudogracilis and Gammarus pulex
5882Fate and transport of phage and viruses in UK Permo-Triassic sandstone aquifers
5883Waterways Breeding Bird Survey: progress and population trends: 1998
5884Control of substances hazardous to health : (COSHH) regs 1988. Interpretation and implementation
5885Staying safe on Anglian waterway : safety guide
5886Development of tools for assessing genotoxicity
5887Environment Agency special waste statistics 1994-7
5888Control of substances hazardous to health regulations 1988 : handbook of assessed general products
5889EC dangerous substances directive : formal monitoring programme 1994
5890Report on EC directive compliance 1996
5891Overseas Approaches to Setting River Flow Objective
5892Scenarios for the operational implementation of remote sensing of snow by satellites : interim report (207/3/N)
5893Gandolf Thunderstorm Warning Project
5894Upper Fal Estuary urban waste water treatment directive sensitive area (eutrophic) designation : final draft report
5895General Quality Assessment (GQA) South Wessex Area 1994
5896Water wise : a water saving guide for NRA offices
5897Annual classification of river water quality 1992
5898Business strategy : final Aug 1998
5899Fishery byelaws 1992
5900Time of travel studies : average and high flows River Ock