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6126River Deben estuary subtidal biological survey, March 1992
6127The Ecology of Four Scarce Wetland Molluscs
6128Endocrine Modulating Effects of Wastewater Treatment Works Effluents: 'Sensitive Windows' for inducing germ-cell intersex in the Roach (Rutilus rutilus)
6129Factors affecting the recruitment of riverine coarse fish: phase 3
6130Medway Estuary fisheries survey 2000 : (incorporating the report for 1997 to 2000)
6131Land Use and Fisheries Report of the Pilot Study
6132Provenance of Interstitial Sediment Retrieved from Salmonid Spawning Gravels in England and Wales
6133Guide to the use of control charts in water analysis
6134A Review of the Brogboroughand Landfill 2000 Test Cells Monitoring Data
6135Health effects of white-water canoeing (320/1/W)
6136River Deben alleviation of low flows scheme : an environmental appraisal. Appendices
6137Anglian region shoreline monitoring data catalogue
6138A Review of Methods for Assessing the Hydromorphology of Lakes
6139Groundwater vulnerability of England and Wales : policy and practice for the protection of groundwater : Scale : 1 : 1 000 000
6140East Devon public water supply strategy : preliminary assessment of epilithic algae summer and autumn 1992 - lower River Axe and Bruckland Stream
6141A survey of trace metals in biota of the Mersey estuary 1993
6142An investigation to determine the source of high levels of gamma-HCH in the Newlyn River during summer 1989
6143Assessment of the distribution of Bembidion testaceum and reasons for its decline
6144Heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyl and organochlorine pesticide residues in European eels anguilla anguilla L. from Sussex rivers - appendices : draft : part II
6145Linking hydrology and ecology : River Wissey : Annex B aquatic macrophytes of the River Wissey
6146Toxixity Based Criteria for Receiving Water Quality - Stage 2
6147Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater : regional appendix Anglian region
6148Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater : regional appendix South West region
6149Coastal wildlife database : data scoping and assessment study
6150Post drought soil water recharge : a study of the processes of recharge