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176Recorded data from the Black Bridge weather station (weather station 2) in the Wensum Catchment between 2012-2013
177The measurement and evaluation of the exploitation of Atlantic salmon
178Syngenta Pond Invertebrate Data (2002)
179Progress Report winter 2001
180Ceraclea dissimilis larva,
181Factors affecting salmon in the sea
182Programme Area reviews of research and development : report on a review of water quality instrumentation and related data processing
183National Demand Management Centre annual report 1994/95
184The industrial fishery for sandeels
185An Aerial Photograph of Ferry House and The Pearsall Building
186Ceraclea dissimilis larva,
187Progress Report December 1992
188Progress Report June 1989
189Syngenta Pond Physchem Data (2003)
190Heptagenia fuscogrisea
191Progress Report December 1999
192Syngenta Pond Invertebrate Data (2004)
193Analogue (nutrient), YSI, turbidity and stage data for the Wensum Demontration Test Catchment's monitoring kiosk E in 2014
194Front cover of An Illustrated Guide to Aquatic and Water-Borne Hyphomycetes (Fungi Imperfecti), with Notes on their Biology
195The interpretation of rod and net catch data
196Acilius sulcatus adult,
197Paraleptophlebia cincta
198Ceraclea dissimilis larva,
199Run timing of salmon
200Analogue (nutrient), YSI, turbidity and stage data for the Wensum Demontration Test Catchment's monitoring kiosk E in 2012