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376Flood defence emergency response - national levels of service - Steering Committee notes (289/2/T)
377Status of rare fish : literature review (draft document)
378Environmental Indicators, Their Use And Development In Selected Member States
379Deveoplment of a Framework for Assessing the Suitability of Controlled Landfills to Accept Disposal of Solid Low-Level Radioactive Waste: User Manual
380Focus on Biodiversity Update 2002
381Rehabilitation of coastal structures : progress report for period, 1st March - 14th April 1992
382The use of constructed wetlands to ameliorate metal-rich mine waters. Stage 1 : review of existing literature
383Deveoplment of a Framework for Assessing the Suitability of Controlled Landfills to Accept Disposal of Solid Low-Level Radioactive Waste: Technical Reference Manual
384Spatial Rules for Classification and Combining Multiple Quality Elements
385Wensum DTC General information - Supporting Document Monitoring Kiosk M
386Focus on Biodiversity Update 2003/4
387Atlantic salmon facts
388Field work in winter
389Review of research and development priorities (Note 32) : agricultural impacts on water quality
390Toxicity Reduction Evaluation Case Summary for the Chlor-Alkali Industry
391Coniston Seismic Survey data 1983-Section 11
392Psychomyia pusilla pupal shelters
393Sources of farm pollution and impact on river quality. Volume 1 (001/13/W)
394Windermere South Basin Seismic Survey Data 1983 Section 14
395Toxicity Reduction Evaluation Case Summary for the Pulp and Paper Industry
396Ullswater Seismic Survey data 1987-Section 03
397Discharge control by direct toxicity assessment (DTA)
398Windermere South Basin Seismic Survey Data 1983 Section 07
399Note 3 by Professor Gerald Sargent regarding the Coniston Seismic Survey 1983
400Sustaining our resources : the way forward : water resources strategy