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226Design and operation of a UK soil monitoring network
227Deveoplment of a Framework for Assessing the Suitability of Controlled Landfills to Accept Disposal of Solid Low-Level Radioactive Waste: Case Study
228Focus on Biodiversity Update 2001
229UK Climate Impacts Programme 2002 Climate Change sanarios: Implementation for Flood and Coastal Defence: Guidance for Users
230UK Climate Impacts Programme 2002 Climate Change Scenarios: Implementation for Flood and Coastal Defence: Guidance for Users
231Managing waste from healthcare activities : working towards best practice
232Database and atlas of aquatic vascular plants in the British Isles : part 2 : distribution maps (352/2/N and Y)
233Status of rare fish : literature review of Freshwater Fish in the UK
234Atlantic Salmon Trust "Scalereadings" July 2001
235Pupating Odontocerum
236Glyphotaelius wing
237Agapetus shelters
239Caddis eaten leaves
240Dried caddis cases
241Brachycentrus subnubilus eggs
242The effects of predation on salmon fisheries
243Syngenta Pond Physchem Data (2000)
244Predation of migratory salmonids
245Brachycentrus subnubilus eggs
246Athripsodes aterrimus
247Agapetus fuscipes pupae
248Rhithrogena haarupi
249Potamophylax latipennis case,
250Winter status and distribution of cormorants, goosanders and red-breasted mergansers in Great Britain with specific reference to the North West NRA Region