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476Entomology For Angler's Course (2009) 15
477Entomology For Angler's Course (2009) 16
478Entomology For Angler's Course (2009) 17
479Entomology For Angler's Course (2009) 18
480Entomology For Angler's Course (2009) 19
481Candidate substances requiring Environmental Quality Standards (EQS)
482Deveoplment of a Framework for Assessing the Suitability of Controlled Landfills to Accept Disposal of Solid Low-Level Radioactive Waste: Principles Document
483Metal contamination of sediments an statutory quality objectives
484Further surveys to elucidate the distribution of the fine-lined pea mussel Pisidium tenuilineatum Stelfox, 1918
485Contaminated land and the water environment : report of the National Rivers Authority
486Diversion and entrapment of fish at water intakes and outfalls (Report 1)
487Conservation requirements of southern damselfly in chalkstream and fen habitats
488Summary report on blue-green algae toxin analysis, Toxicity Assessment and reporting to the Environment Agency, 1998
489Crayfish conservation (378/8/N) : interim report for 1993
490Waterways Breeding Bird Survey: progress and population trends: 1998
491Scenarios for the operational implementation of remote sensing of snow by satellites : interim report (207/3/N)
492The physical character of rivers and streams in the UK and Isle of Man
493Data for reed litter decay and aquatic macroinvertebrates colonisation
494Assessment of the distribution of Bembidion testaceum and reasons for its decline
495Bioaccumulation as an approach for detection and monitoring of Red List trace organic contaminants (240/11/Y) : a literature review : interim report
496National Centre for Toxic and Persistent Substances : business case
497Review of Sea Trout Fecundity
498Algal Monitoring Report 1999. Report summarising freshwater (cyanobacterial) and marine microalgal monitoring during 1999
499Algal Monitoring Report 2000. Report summarising freshwater (cyanobacterial) and marine microalgal monitoring during 2000
500Ecotoxicology : a report of the NRA R and D Ecotoxicology Group