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126River Conwy catchment management plan : consultation report summary : Spring 1993
127Bedford Ouse (lower reaches) LEAP : development constraints by parish : April 1999
128Local Environment Agency plan Derwent action plan
129Benchmarking rainfall runoff models within the Anglian Region : final report
130Afan and Kenfig catchment management plan : action plan : March 1996
131The Warwickshire Avon catchment management plan : final plan : October 1994
132Witham draft LEAP September 1999
133Fishery survey of the Horner Water catchment
134River Tamar (not Tavy and Lynher) : catchment action plan
135Lower Nene : options for resources : environmental asset survey : baseline report : final
136River Plym : catchment action plan
137River Yealm : catchment action plan
138Freshwater Tamar : first annual review
139Local Environment Agency plan Derwent : consultation report
140Statement on public consultation for the Dove CMP : July 1995
141River Kennet Catchment Management Plan : draft action plans
142Lower Nene catchment management plan : summary report
143Managing flood risk through effective stakeholder engagement
144The Dee regulation scheme (bilingual)
145The lower Wye catchment management plan: consultation report summary: June 1994
146River Lynher : catchment action plan
147Upper Nene catchment management plan : consultation report summary
148Action plan for the management of salmon for the River Test : consultation document
149River Fal catchment river water quality classification 1991
150River Darent catchment management plan : consultation report