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201Avon and Erme : action plan : December 1998
202Action plan for the management of salmon for the River Test : consultation document
203Brue and Axe : action plan
204River Severn lower reaches catchment management plan : annual review
205Cam Local Environment Agency Plan : statement of consultation responses
206Eden and Solway Coast catchment management plan : consultation report : October 1995
207River Erewash catchment management plan : first annual review 1996
208Brue and Axe, third annual review : February 2002
209Dorset Stour : second annual review : January 1999 - December 1999
210Darent LEAP : consultation draft
211Douglas catchment management plan : annual review : October 1996
212Kent area local environment agency plan : Consultation draft
213Hampshire Avon catchment management plan : final report
214Eastern Rother LEAP Environmental Overview Dec. 1999
215Rivers Axe and Lim catchment management plan : first annual review
216Eastern Rother LEAP : consultation draft : December 1999
217Freshwater Tamar and tributaries : consultation draft
218Irwell Catchment Management First Annual review February 1997
219Land drainage and sea defence byelaws
220Ely Ouse LEAP : first annual review : December 2000
221Dorset Stour : consultation report
222Kentish Stour area LEAP : consultation draft plan
223Freshwater Tamar and tributaries plan from July 1999 to July 2004
224Hull and East Riding : consultation report august 1997
225River Eden and Solway Coast catchment management consultation report summary : October 1995