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76Microbial Source-Tracking project
77Environmental opportunities in low lying coastal areas under a scenario of climate change : final report (255/2/T)
78Rehabilitation of coastal structures : progress report for period, 1st March - 14th April 1992
79Seaburn sewer survey II, 23-24 Ocotber 1991
80River Ouse to Seaford Head coastal defence strategy
81Land drainage and sea defence byelaws in Southern Region
82Development of biological components for estuary and coastal waters classification schemes (Note 61) : project definition study
83An investigation of the bacteriological quality of bathing water around the Kent coast since 1985
84National Rivers Authority sea defence survey 1990/1991 : survey report phase 1, phase 2 and phase 3
85Trial foreshore recharge
86Development of marine phytoplankton methodology and quality assurance procedures : second draft
87Saltmarsh Change in England and Wales: Its History and Causes
88Langstone Harbour inter-tidal vegetation classification feasibility study
89Biodiversity - Key Resources Inventory
90Re-building the Anglian coastline
91Grey tide against green marsh : sea defences in East Anglia : synopsis of proceedings of conference held at Snape on 1st November 1991
92Happisburgh to Winterton sea defences
93UK Climate Impacts Programme 2002 Climate Change Scenarios: Implementation for Flood and Coastal Defence: Guidance for Users
94Risk Assessment of flood and coastal defence systems for strategic planning (RASP)
95An investigation into the bacteriological levels in the River Seaton
96A collation of the environmental impact work carried out following the Rosebay oil spill, May 1990
97Seaburn sewer survey, 05-07 August 1991
98Lincshore '97 : an environmental statement
99Market testing of coastal survey vessels : final report to project board
100Development of tools for assessing genotoxicity