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351National Rivers Authority Southern Region Flood Defence Department filing study
352The Warwickshire Avon catchment management plan : first annual review : October 1994 - October 1995 (NRA Severn -Trent 45)
353Pumping station - efficiency of operation and cost for a design life span : survey of pumping installations and design philosophy - preliminary report
354Beneath the town : safeguarding Bodmin from flooding
355The consideration of social issues in environmental impact assessments of Agency flood defence schemes
356The new waterlands? Proceedings of a one day seminar organised by the Sussex Wildlife Trust as part of the RSNC Wildlife Trusts Parnership Water For Wildlife campaign
357Dove environmental overview : August 1999
358Inorganic acids and halogens
359Domesday to the dawn of the new millennium : 900 years of the Don Fishery
360Controls on emissions from coal and oil fired power stations : the agency's decision following its 1999 public consultation on its proposed controls
361Grimsby catchment management plan : consultation report : November 1994
362Exe : action plan : plan from July 2000 to July 2005
363Hunstanton and Heacham sea defence strategy
364Seaton, Looe and Fowey catchment management plan : first annual review
365The Dove catchment management plan : consultation report summary : January 1995
366Great Ouse Local Flood Defence Committee annual report 1996-1997
367Welsh region : River Arrow, Dreneuydd/Broadway Reen, Dysynni Low Level Drain : annex of R and D Note 456
368Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : Midlands region
369The Impact Of Grazing And Upland Management On Erosion And Runoff: Additional Information
370Site right : industrial pollution prevention and control
371The Eastern Rother
372Salmon fisheries in Scotland
373Canvey Island flood defences consultation
374Coastal flooding
375Rehabilitation of coastal structures : draft final report