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51Annual N2O measurements and associated data: AC0116, Dumfries, 2012, urine
52Manure application dates: SLURRY-NR, Devon, 2004
53Soil moisture data: AC0116, Warwickshire, 2013, urine
54Background soil mineral nitrogen contents: AC0116, Herefordshire, 2011
55Daily topsoil mineral nitrogen: AC0116, Warwickshire, 2013, urine
56Daily topsoil mineral nitrogen: AC0116, Devon, 2011-2012
57Annual N2O measurements and associated data: AC0101, Devon, 2007
58Background soil mineral nitrogen: AC0213, Devon, 2010
59Soil moisture data: AC0213, Devon, 2010
60Daily nitrous oxide flux measurements: AC0116, Herefordshire, 2011
61Annual N2O measurements and associated data: AC0213, Devon, 2010-2011
62Fertiliser application dates: AC0213, Devon, 2011
63Daily nitrous oxide flux measurements: AC0116, Dumfries, 2011
64Daily topsoil mineral nitrogen: AC0213, Devon, 2012
65Soil moisture data: AC0213, Devon, 2012
66Annual N2O measurements and associated data: AC0116, Devon, 2011-2012
67Soil moisture data: AC0213, Nottinghamshire, 2010
68Daily nitrous oxide (N2O) flux measurements: AC0213, Nottinghamshire, 2010
69Daily nitrous oxide flux measurements: AC0111, Devon, 2010-2011
70Annual N2O measurements and associated data: AC0116, Warwickshire, 2013
71Daily nitrous oxide (N2O) flux measurements: AC0101, Cambridgeshire, 2007
72Annual N2O measurements and associated data: AC0213, Nottinghamshire, 2010
73Daily topsoil mineral nitrogen: AC0213, Devon, 2011
74Soil moisture data: AC0116, Dumfries, 2012, urine
75Background soil mineral nitrogen: AC0101, Cambridgeshire, 2007