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151Determining The Causes Of 'Apparent Eutrophication' Effects
152Impact Of Conifer Harvesting And Replanting On Upland Water Quality
153Developing Quality Assurance for Fish Counter Data - Phase 1: An Assessment of the Salmonid Fish Counter Network in England and Wales
154Sewage risks to urban groundwater
155The Natural (Baseline) Quality of Groundwaters in England and Wales - Magnesium Limestone of Yorkshire and Northumbria
156Chlorohyll and Phosphorus Classifications for UK Lakes
157A Demonstration Of The Feasibility Of Soilpacs
158Organo-chlorine pesticide residues in freshwater fish [eels]
159Environmental protection final draft report - compliance assessment for EC Freshwater Fish Directive 1991
160An Assessment of the Feasibility of Using DGT Procedures to Measure Trace Metals and Radionuclides in Rivers
161Draft list of potential target contaminants of fish tissue : interim report (397/4/ST)
162Large Woody Debris In British Headwater Rivers: Summary Report
163Compliance assessment for EC freshwater fish directive 1990
164Water quality investigations in the Newlyn river catchment
165Optimum stocking strategies for hatchery-reared riverine coarse fish
166An assessment of water quality in the River Yarty catchment
167Flow Monitoring Of Discharges: An Audit Manual
168Guide to freshwater fishing in Norfolk and Suffolk
169The Natural (Baseline) Quality Of Groundwaters In England And Wales - The Culm Aquifers, SW England;
170News reels for anglers
171The Natural (Baseline) Quality Of Groundwaters In England And Wales: The Permo-Triassic Sandstones Of Cumbria, North-West England;