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126Rising groundwater levels in the chalk - basal sands aquifer of the central london basins
127Groundwater recharge in urban areas
128Water quality strategy : draft for consultation
129Scoping study for a groundwater protection code for surface water drainage
130Groundwater Resource Reliable Yield
131Review of groundwater abstraction for licensing purposes : Midlands Region
132Groundwater management in the North West: efficiency review and business plan: certificate in management
133Guidance Manual On Underground Fuel Storage Tank Installations
134Relocation of Suffolk water company borehole
135Model policies for use in development plans
136Guide to groundwater protection zones in England and Wales
137Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater
138Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater - NRA leaflet
139Groundwater protection zones : methodology and definition of protection zones (Bilingual) : Parthau gwarchod dwr daear : methodoleg a difiniad o'r parthau gwarchod
140Groundwater protection policy
141Classification of listed substances for the purposes of the EC groundwater directive (80/68/EEC) : technical report
142Digital groundwater vulnerability maps : 1 : 100,000 series. Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater
143The fuel additive MTBE - a groundwater protection issue?
144Framework for national groundwater quality reporting technical report
145Low flow estimation in artificially influenced catchments : interim report December 1992
146Further investigation of the pilot borehole at Bean's Lane, Wortham (94/7/912) : September 1994
147Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater : draft for consultation
148Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater
149Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater : North West region : 2nd edition, 1995
150Water for the future in Kent : NRA response to the issues and options report