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51Daily topsoil mineral nitrogen: AC0116, Bedfordshire, 2011
52Background soil mineral nitrogen contents: AC0116, County Down, 2012-13
53Whitacre-Shustoke Reservoir improvements. Water-quality aspects- a preliminary assessment
54Daily topsoil mineral nitrogen: AC0213, Northumberland, 2012
55Daily topsoil mineral nitrogen: AC0213, Nottinghamshire, 2011, urine
56General Quality Assessment (GQA) North Wessex Area 1994
57Manure application dates: OPTI-N, East Yorkshire, 2005
58Daily nitrous oxide (N2O) flux measurements: NT26, Devon, 2004
59Eutrophication in controlled waters in the Warwickshire Avon catchment (final report). Vol 1 : report and executive summary
60An investigation to determine possible causes of poor water quality downstream of Chagford STW (WSTW6046B)
61Nutrient export modelling on the River Bure, Norfolk : progress report 2 : June-July 1995
62Fertiliser application dates: NT26, Devon, 2004
63Nutrient Conditions for Different Levels of Ecological Status and Biological Quality in Surface Waters (Phase I)
64Eutrophication control via nutrient reduction in rivers : literature review
65General Quality Assessment (GQA) South Wessex Area 1994
66Fertiliser application dates: NT26, Norfolk, 2004
67The Impact Of Particulate Outputs Associated With Timber Harvesting
68Nutrient levels and statutory quality objectives for estuaries and coastal waters (Note 70)
69The Distribution of Phytoplankton and Nutrients in the North East Irish Sea During 1998
70(6) Review of dynamic models for catchmant and surface water acidification;
71Background soil mineral nitrogen contents: OPTI-N, East Yorkshire, 2005
721996 Hit Lists, Final Draft, PARCOM Low Loads summarised by Region
73Background soil mineral nitrogen: AC0213, Devon, 2011
74Background soil mineral nitrogen contents: AC0213, Nottinghamshire, 2011-12
751996 Hit Lists, Final Draft Annex 1A Low Loads summarised by Region