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1426The Severn Bore 1996
1427The Severn Bore in 1993
1428The Severn Bore in 1994
1429Factors Affecting Coarse Fish Recruitment: Phase II - Examination and Analysis of Existing Environment Agency Data
1430The Severn Bore in 1995
1431Large Woody Debris In British Headwater Rivers: Main Report
1432Rapid Assessment of Physical Habitat Sensitivity to Abstraction (RAPHSA)
1433Hydrogen Peroxide Dosing Trials, Lea Marston, 18 and 19 March 1996
1434An assessment of the causes of non-compliance with river quality standards within the River Tiddy catchment (1989-1991)
1435An investigation of the Madford River pollution incident of 29 July 1989 : November 1989
1436Environmental Quality Standards for Dissolved Oxygen
1437Study into the effect of Chertsey STW on the North Arm of the River Bourne
1438Determining The Causes Of 'Apparent Eutrophication' Effects
1439Phosphorus in the Thames catchment
1440A litter assessment of two major tributaries of the Taff, the Cynon and the Rhondda : surveyed March - April 1990
1441River Medway : a user's guide
1442Sea Empress Cost-Benefit Project: Final Report
1443Classification of river water quality : version 1.0, 29 April 1992
1444Development of Environmental Standards (Water Resources) Stage 2: Typology Rewiew
1445Bedford Ouse (lower reaches) LEAP : first annual review : May 2001
1446Impact Of Conifer Harvesting And Replanting On Upland Water Quality
1447Porth, Gluvian and Menalhyl catchment river water quality classification 1990
1448River Cober catchment river water quality classification 1991
1449River Fal catchment river water quality classification 1990
1450River Fal catchment river water quality classification 1991