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1526Optimum stocking strategies for hatchery-reared riverine coarse fish
1527The River Alt/Crossens fish stock assessment 2001
1528Lower Lee fish mortalities associated with rainfall : including the event of 7/8th September 1993
1529Comparison of load estimation from grab an flow-proportioning samples
1530Flooding survey June 1990 : lower Trent catchment and Nottinghamshire : section 136(1) water act 1989
1531Lincolnshire Local Flood Defence Committee : annual report 1996/97
1532NRA research and development programme topic B2 : flow regimes : project B2.2 : low flow conditions
1533An assessment of water quality in the River Yarty catchment
1534Integrated river corridor assessment : a pilot study of the rivers Wansbeck and North Tyne in Northumbria
1535River Bovey and Bovey minor tributaries corridor survey : October-November 1990 : a report prepared for the National Rivers Authority (South West Region)
1536Water resources planning : Deben groundwater unit water resources management plan
1537River Lemon corridor survey : a report prepared by Ecologue for the National Rivers Authority (South West Region)
1538River Teign catchment river water quality classification 1990
1539River Teign catchment river water quality classification 1991
1540Investigations of discharges into the River Lemon at Newton Abbot
1541River Teign corridor survey : prepared by Ecologue for the National Rivers Authority (South West Region)
1542Boating on Sussex Rivers
1543Advisory committee for Wales first annual report 1991
1544A flood alleviation strategy for Broadland : report of Task Group
1545Norfolk and Suffolk Local Flood Defence Committee annual report 1997/98
1546Norfolk and Suffolk Local Flood Defence Committee annual report 1998/99
1547Harbour of Rye management plan
1548Rye Harbour Byelaws
1549The control of phosphorus in the catchment of the rivers Ant and Bure : interim report for period January - December 1992
1550Land drainage and sea defence byelaws