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26River quality : April 1992 - March 1993
27River Axe catchment river water quality classification 1990
28River Exe catchment river water quality classification 1990
29River quality : 1991
30River flow and rainfall statistics updated to 31st December 1992
31Upper Kennet : weed growth investigation
32Sid and Otter action plan : plan from November 2000 to November 2005
33Rivers Axe and Lim catchment management plan : action plan
34The Aire catchment (river factfiles)
35Quarterly Review 1992/92 (1) April - June 1992
36Greatham Creek tidal defences inter regional review : prepared for the purposes of legal proceedings
37Rivers Arun to Adur draft flood and erosion management strategy : draft flood and erosion management strategy : summary document
38National Rivers Authority river quality survey GQA assessment 1993 Nothumbria and Yorkshire Region. Part 1 Reach classification : Freshwater rivers and canals
39Rivers Sid and Otter catchment management plan : 2nd annual review
40River Kennet catchment management plan : third annual review (July 1996 - July 1997) : second and final draft
41Adur and Ouse : action plan : February 2000
42Second annual review of the Sid/Otter catchment management plan 1999
43Drought : the dry facts
44The investigation of the Taff litter problem : report no. PL/EAE/89/2
45Adur and Ouse catchment abstraction management strategy : final strategy
46River Lim catchment river water quality classification 1991
47Revenue budget 1992/93 : summary
481994/95 corporate plan : submission by Southern region : our forward look for 1994/95 - 1995/96
49Hull and East Riding local environment agency plan : August 1998
50Lower Colne improvement scheme November 1995 : Shire Ditch and Colne Brook, Uxbridge