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1The importance of sediment release of phosphorus in the restoration of the Norfolk Broads
2The Northumberland catchment (river factfiles)
3The extent of phosphorus release in the Norfolk Broads
4The release of ammonium and phosphorus from the sediments of the River Ant and Barton Broad : interim report
5The control of phosphorus in the catchment of the rivers Ant and Bure : interim report for period January - December 1992
6Lake restoration : the role of biomanipulation : a one day seminar held in the Broads 18th March 1993 : organised by the National Rivers Authority and the Broads Authority
7The effects of water resources management on the rivers Bure, Wensum and Nar in North Norfolk : Final project report to the National Rivers Authority. July 1994
8Mercury, methylmercury and copper in the River Yare, Norfolk : report to the National Rivers Authority, Anglian Region
9Mercury, methylmercury and copper in the River Yare, Norfolk : summary of a report to the National Rivers Authority, Anglian Region
10Mercury and methylmercury in the river Yare, Norfolk (OI/420/8/A)
11Setting up a hydraulic model of the Thurne Broads
12Investigation of salinity in the river Thurne catchment of North East Norfolk
13The mobilization and release of mercury, copper, iron, manganese and selenium from contaminated sediment as a result of dredging : laboratory simulation studies : interim report to the National Rivers Authority Anglian Region
14Mercury and methylmercury in the river Yare, Norfolk (1986 - 1992) : executive summary (OI/420/9/A)
15Broadland flood alleviation strategy : bank strengthening and erosion protection : the programme for flood defence work
16Nutrient export modelling on the River Bure, Norfolk : progress report 2 : June-July 1995
17Integrated river corridor assessment : a pilot study of the rivers Wansbeck and North Tyne in Northumbria
18Mercury and methylmercury in the river Yare, Norfolk (1986 - 1992) (OI/420/8/A annex) : annex to main report
19The protection of East Anglian wetlands Phase 2 : review of BGS draft report. February 1995 (OI 558)