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451Guidance on the Assessment of Cause and Effect in Ecological Risk Assessment
452Wetlands for Wales : a strategy for the third millenium
453The Impacts of flooding on urban and rural communities
454The relationship between turbidity and suspended solids in final effluents
455The Environmental Impact of Fish Farming - A Review
456The Removal of Technetium from EARP Waste Streams, Phase II
457Benchmarking rainfall runoff models within the Anglian Region : final report
458Evaluation of AN analytical sensors ammonium probe for the grant\YSI 3800
459Steady-state particle tracking in the object-orientated regional groundwater model ZOOMQ3D
460Roger Sweeting providing a commentary on The Tern
461Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater
462Welland and Glen river system : flood defences along the Welland and Glen
463The National Centre for Environmental Data and Surveillance : business plan 1999/2000
464The Hydrogeological Classification of Superficial Clay: Methodology of Map Production
465Toxicity Reduction Evaluation Case Summary for the Chlor-Alkali Industry
466The Removal of Technetium from EARP Waste Streams, Phase III
467Integrated pollution control and radioactive substances in the Anglian Region
468Note 3 by Professor Gerald Sargent regarding the Coniston Seismic Survey 1983
469Scoping report for the proposed Beach Management Manual : draft final report (446/1/A)
470Guide to freshwater fishing in the Northern area of Anglian Region
471The Identification of Oestrogenic Effects in Wild Fish
472Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater : summary document
473A review of the optimum accuracy of flow and rainfall forecasting
474Cryptosporidium In Farmed And Wild Animals And The Implications For Water Contamination
475The National Centre for Environmental Data and Surveillance : business plan 1999/2000