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251Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles
252Green Household Index - The Eco-Cal
253Guardians of the water environment (bilingual document)
254Pesticides in the aquatic environment 1996
255The Environment Agency navigations : Thames, Anglian, Southern
256Pollution control on the River Alt
257A Review of the Application of
258Ecology and the Water Framework Directive
259The introduction of an effective market testing programme for the flood defence function of the National Rivers Authority in the North West Region : certificate in management
260Review of the microtox toxicity test
261Silt - and its effects on the river
262MCERTS : the Environment Agency's monitoring certification scheme
263The effects of predation on salmon fisheries
264Fisheries Assessment Software within the Environment Agency
265Bewdley flood defences : the invisible defences
266The story of a river : Ripples 1
267Recreation strategy for the River Thames
268Information [on the NRA Anglian Region]
269The river Aire conservation within the catchment : a summary of survey methods and information held on the wildlife of the river Aire catchment
270Navigations in the Anglian region (EA)
271The Atlantic Salmon Trust Journal 2011
272Holding back the sea - ripples 3
273Fish, fisheries and the Water Framework Directive
274A history of the By Brook
275Coastal flooding in the North West